removable partial denture enables the restoration or improvement of 4 oral functions: aesthetics, mandibular stability, mastication, and speech. However, wearing a removable partial denture should not cause oral comfort to deteriorate.

Can I eat with partial dentures?

In short, when answering the question of 'can you eat with partial dentures? ' the answer is: yes, you absolutely can. But there may be a period of adjustment as you get used to the new feeling in your mouth.


With new dentures it is quite common to experience lisping, slurring, and pronunciation problems in the beginning. Becoming accustomed to wearing new dentures requires a commitment of time, patience, and practice.
Once you get used to the feel and fit of your dentures, you’ll find that you are able to speak as clearly with them as you could with your own natural teeth.

Using the following tips and tricks as you learn to talk with dentures can help you speak more clearly:

1. Softly Bite and Swallow Before You Speak

2. Practice in Front of the Mirror

3. Speak at a Normal Volume

4. Practice Vocal Exercises To Help in Speaking With Dentures

How many hours a day should you wear partial dentures?

It's good to give your mouth and your dentures a break every so often throughout the day. Taking them out before bed, or removing them for at least six hours a day is a good habit to practice.